How should I prepare to collect my sample?

  • We recommend fasting for the most accurate results, so try taking your Healthyr test first thing in the morning.
  • Register your kit using your unique Kit ID, found in your box, to your Healthyr account at
  • Get your blood flowing by (safely) raising your heart rate. You can walk up and down stairs or in place for a few minutes, do some jumping jacks, or swing your arms around.
Your Collection Process:
  1. Begin by cleaning your finger with an alcohol wipe.
  2. Twist off the lancet cap top and press it against the tip of your finger, aiming slightly off-center.
  3. Push the lancet to prick your finger.
  4. Hold your lanced finger over the ADX card, ensuring blood drops only onto the designated collection square.
  5. Gently squeeze your finger to drop blood until it reaches the indicated line on the card.
  6. Allow the card to dry completely for at least one hour.
  7. Dispose of used collection supplies.
  8. Place the dried ADX card into the sample bag and then into the prepaid envelope.
  9. Mail the sample on the same day.